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1840-1968 Mint and used collection on pages including 1d black AB plate 6 and LE plate 2 used (both fine with four margins), 1891 £1 green used, 1902 5/- unmounted, 5/- and 10/- used, 1913 £1 used, 1918-19 5/- and 10/- mint, 1929 PUC £1 mint, 1841 1d Mulready envelope used from Dublin, 1911 Aerial Post card used, etc., a few faults. (100s). £500-600
1841-79 Line Engraved issues, the used collection written up on pages including 1841 2d (62, five with number in Maltese Cross cancels), 1850 1d Archer perf on piece, perforated 1d reds with 1854 perf 16 die I Large Crown watermark inverted (2), perf 14 die I Small Crown watermark inverted, perforated 2d blues with Small Crown die I alphabet II perf 14 or 16, Large Crown die I alphabet II perf 16, Large Crown die I alphabet III perf 16 (4), 1864-79 1d plates with plate 225, plate 178 grossly misperforated, 2d plate 13 watermark inverted, 1870-79 ½d with plate 9, 1870 1½d OP-PC error (corner fault), etc., some multiples, pieces and covers. (348). Photo on Page 6. £800-1,000
1841-1900 QV Stamps, mint and used selection including 1841 1d red with number in cross cancels (4, two fine) and 2d blue strip of three with large margins, 1867 1/- strip of four fine used, 1881 1/- orange-brown plate 14 mint (one pulled perf) and used with Board of Trade perfin, other B.T perfins (8), 1887 6d pair with "BALTA SOUND / P.O" intaglio mailbag seal cancels, 1887 issue mint to 1/- and used with blocks, etc., a few faults. (232). £200-250
1841-1934 Mint and used selection on pages including 1841 1d reds with unused singles (2, one possibly an Imprimatur) and block of four on deeply blued paper (all without gum, the block creased) and used from plates 9 (2), 10, or with inverted watermark, 1864-79 1d plate 215 mint block of nine, 1881 5d indigo mint, 1912 ½d Royal Cypher imperf mint, 1912-24 4d, 9d agate and 1924-26 3d, 4d inverted watermarks mint, 1913 Multiple Royal Cypher ½d, 1d mint, 1913 £1 green used with single ring c.d.s (small defect at right), a few Specimens, etc. A few faults but some very useful stamps noted. (102). £500-600
1855-1900 Surface Printed issues, the used collection including 1855 4d Medium Garter on blued paper, 1857 1/- lightly cancelled, 1855-64 9d bistre (2) and straw, 1/- (both shades), 1867-80 9d (both shades) and 10d (2, one on cover), 1867-83 Maltese Cross 5/- rose plate 1 used in Constantinople, 5/- pale rose plate 2, £5 orange on white paper with neat Glasgow c.d.s, 1880 Spray 1/- orange-brown, 1873-80 Large Garter 4d vermilion (2), 8d, 1883-84 2/6 (4), 5/- (3), 10/- (2, one pale ultramarine), Imperial Crown £1 brown, 1883-84 set (good colour and c.d.s cancels, 9d watermark inverted), 1887-1900 set to 1/- (both) mint and used, 5d die 1 (3, one on cover), £1 green (2), a few used abroad, covers, etc., mainly fine with many good c.d.s cancels. (332). Photo on Page 8. £3,000-3,500
QV-QEII Stamps including 1840 2d and 1891 £1 (both with faults), 1958 3d tete-beche strip, 1969 £1 imperf pairs (2) and block of four, also a stockbook of railway stamps, some mint decimal and booklets, etc. (100s). £100-150
1840 1d Blacks comprising EF and RE plate 1b, EF plate 3, HC (corner crease) and OH plate 4, KC Plate 5, all with four margins, used with Maltese Cross cancels in red (5) or black, OH on piece. (6). Photo on Page 6. £300-400
1840 1d Blacks, the used collection on pages comprising plates 1a (7), 1b (9), 2 (10), 3 (6), 4 (7), 5 (5), 6 (8), 7 (6), 8 (7), 9 (3) and 10 (3), all with four margins with many large margin examples, some on pieces, one plate 5 stamp with a black Maltese Cross and part red cancel, a couple of small thins noted and one plate 10 (red Maltese Cross) stamp creased, otherwise all appear fine, an unusually good lot all carefully chosen by a discerning collector. (71). Photo on Page 6. £5,000-6,000
1840 1d Blacks, FL and GL plate 1a, the two stamps once a vertical pair, both just touched at upper right with large margins on other sides, tied to separate pieces by deep red Maltese Crosses. Also 1840 2d blue, JE plate 2 with good margins, small thin at base, used with black Maltese Cross. (3). Photo on Page 6. £180-220
1840 1d Black, RC plate 1b with inverted watermark, four good even margins, used with a red Maltese Cross, an unusually fine and attractive inverted watermark variety. S.G. £2,500. Photo on Page 6. £500-600
1840 1d Black, JA plate 4, large to huge margins on all sides, used with a fine red Maltese Cross, a superb stamp. Photo on Page 6. £150-200
1840 1d Black, GF-GH plate 4 strip of three, GH just touched at base, otherwise fine with good margins, used with red Maltese Cross cancels. Photo on Page 6. £200-300
1840 (Sep 24) Large piece bearing 1d black OG plate 4, good to large margins, cancelled by a complete and clear ruby Maltese Cross, backstamps of Aberdeen and London. A good example of this coloured cross, confirmed by the backstamp of Aberdeen, the principal town known to have used this colour ink. S.G. £800. £200-250
1840 1d Black, HE-HF plate 5 pair used with red Maltese Crosses, good to large margins on all sides, HE with very clear double letter "H", a lovely pair. Photo on Page 6. £300-350
1840-41 1d Black and 1d red, JA plate 5 matching pair both showing the distinctive letter "J", the 1d black with large margins and a red Maltese Cross, 1d red close but clear at lower right with good to large margins on other sides and a fine black Maltese Cross, a very good matched pair. (2). Photo on Page 6. £250-300
1840 1d Blacks, all plate 6, IL, QE (state 2) and SF all used with black Maltese Crosses, QE with corner crease and IL with trace of a pressed crease, all unusually fine looking stamps with four good to enormous margins. (3). Photo on Page 6. £280-320
1840 1d Blacks, all plate 8, TE with a red Maltese Cross, AI, BB and OD with black Maltese Crosses, all fine with four good to large margins. (4). Photo on Page 6. £400-500
1840 1d Black, PE plate 10, good to large margins, used with a black Maltese Cross, an unusually fine plate 10 1d black. S.G. £625. Photo on Page 6. £200-250
1840-41 1d Black and 1d red, TF plate 10 matching pair used with black Maltese Crosses, the 1d black close but clear at lower right, otherwise good to large margins, a good matched pair. S.G. £815+. (2). Photo on Page 6. £200-250
1841 1d Black, LH plate 11 used with a black Maltese Cross, good to huge margins with small portion of the adjoining stamp at right, an unusually fine example of this scarce plate. S.G. £4,600. Photo on Page 6. £800-1,000
1840-41 Entire letters (6) and an entire all bearing 1d blacks with Maltese Cross cancels in red (5) or black (2), all stamps with four margins, comprising IG plate 1a used from Cardigan to Aberystwyth, DH plate 1b from Paisley to Glasgow, RB plate 3 from Dublin to London, RF plate 5 from Birmingham to Sheffield, JE plate 6 sent within London, LB plate 7 from Edinburgh to Paisley and DD plate 9 from Edinburgh to Glasgow, all fine covers and stamps. (7). £600-700
1840 (Dec 4) Entire (side flaps removed) from Annan to Edinburgh franked 1d black, PI plate 4 with good margins, tied by a red Maltese Cross. £80-100
1840 2d Blues, plate 1 AN, CC, DJ, HG, HK with black Maltese Crosses, IF and MG with red Maltese Crosses, plate 2 EJ with black Maltese Cross, all with four margins, some unusually large examples, various shades, small thin to IF, otherwise all fine, an unusually good group all carefully chosen by a discerning collector. (8). Photo on Page 6. £1,200-1,400
1840 2d Blue, TL plate 2, two used examples, the second a late state showing clear signs of corrosion to the value and base, both with four good to huge margins, black Maltese Crosses, a good pair. (2). Photo on Page 6. £350-400
1840 2d Deep blue, MD plate 2 used with a black Maltese Cross, a fine stamp with good to large margins. Photo on Page 6. £150-180
1840 2d Blue, TA plate 2, used with large part "DORCHE(STER)" town datestamp, also an imperf 1d red with matching TA lettering (plate 24, three margins) also with "(DORCH)ESTER" town datestamp. The 2d well repaired with margins added at left and top, nevertheless a very rare cancel on this stamp. S.G. £7,700. (2). Photo on Page 6. £500-600
1841-54 Covers, entires and entire letters, also a few fronts and pieces, all bearing imperf 1d reds, with Maltese Crosses (36), one 1841 cover sent to Paris franked 1d with additional postage paid in cash but returned to Scotland with red "RETURNED FROM", most unplated, mixed quality. (179). £250-300
1841-53 Covers and entires bearing imperf 1d reds, including Maltese Cross cancels (17), also 1d pink envelope with Leamington Maltese Cross, and single stamps or pairs (67, thirteen with blue cancels), many stamps fine. (69 covers + 67 stamps). £250-300
1854-80 Covers with 1d reds, comprising 1854-57 issues on blued paper (56), 1857-63 issues on white paper (63) and 1864-80 plate numbers (29, with plate 219), including covers franked 1d to Prussia or Italy, Exeter Cresswell type duplex (Christmas day), Saffron Walden 699 duplex error, etc. Also 2d blue covers (3) and single 1d reds with perfins (39), mainly fine. (190). £250-300
1854-79 Covers, entires and entire letters bearing perforated 1d reds (126), various perfs and watermarks, all unplated, also entires with 1870 ½d (4), one 1856 cover from Germany redirected in London. (130). £150-200
1857 1d Rose-red, die II perf 14, OG-RI plate 34 mint block of twelve, OH thinned at top, otherwise fine with original gum. S.G. 40, £480+. £100-150
1855 2d Blue, perf 14, watermark Large Crown, plate 5, QH mint with large part original gum, tiny corner thin, good appearance. S.G. 34, £2,800. Photo on Page 6. £100-120
1864-79 1d Rose-red LJ plate 79, variety imperforate, small piece cut from upper right corner margin just into the upper frame line, otherwise good to huge margins on all sides, used with London W numeral cancel. S.G. 44a, £2,500. Photo on Page 6. £400-500
1864-79 1d Red plates, mint blocks comprising plate 150 AS-CT marginal block of six, plate 206 AE-BF marginal block of four, plate 207 DN-EO block of four, plate 218 GL-LM block of twelve and plate 220 GN-HO block of four, usual gum cracks, otherwise all fine. S.G. 43/4, £2,200+. (5 Blocks). £350-450
1864-79 1d Red plates with plate 146 pair handstamped "SPECIMEN" type 9, mint (11, including plate 133 inverted watermark, plate 156 marginal) and all plates used (less plate 77, plate 225 torn) with some additional stamps. (194). Photo on Page 6. £250-350
1864-79 1d Red, plate 225, fine mint, original gum. S.G. £3,000. Photo on Page 6. £400-500
1864-79 1d Red, plate 225, fine used. S.G. £700. Photo on Page 6. £120-150
1864-79 1d Red, plate 225, fine used. S.G. £700. Photo on Page 6. £120-150
1858-76 2d Deep blue plate 15, QA-RB mint block of four, crease to QB, usual gum creases, otherwise fine with original gum and good appearance. S.G. £2,100+. Photo on Page 8. £300-350
1870 ½d Rose, plate 9, used. S.G. £700. Photo on Page 6. £120-150
1870 ½d Rose-red, plate 20 block of four, a few split vertical perfs, otherwise fine unmounted mint. S.G. £1,400. Photo on Page 8. £200-250
1847-54 Embossed 6d (3), 10d and 1/- (4, one deep green) used, all cut square, one 6d and one 1/- touched on one side, another 1/- on piece with two margins, the other five stamps with margins on all sides, an unusually fine group. (8). Photo on Page 8. £900-1,100
1847-54 Embossed 1/- green, horizontal pair used with London numeral cancels, the left stamp also tied by red "48" rate handstamp, cut square, left stamp just touched at foot, right stamp with good margins on all sides, the pair hinged to piece. S.G. £2,000. £140-180
1856 1/- Deep Green overprinted "SPECIMEN" type 4 and 1862 3d carmine-rose overprinted "SPECIMEN" type 5, the 1/- with a few trimmed perf tips at lower right and tiny cut near lower right perf, otherwise both fine mint. S.G. 71s, 75s, £1,475. (2). Photo on Page 6. £150-180
1864-80 Specimen stamps, the selection including 1864 1d red plate 146, 1867 9d straw, 1876 2½d rosy mauve plate 6, 1877 4d sage-green plate 16 and 1880 2½d blue plate 18 with type 9 overprint all fine mint; 1876 4d vermilion plate 15 and 1880 1/- orange brown type 9 overprint and 1878 1/- green plate 12 type 8 overprint, all with light crease but otherwise fine mint; 1870 1½d type 9 overprint and 1867 9d straw type 10 overprint without gum; several others with faults (including 1870 unissued 1½d rosy mauve, torn and repaired). (17). Photo on Page 6. £400-500
c.1870 Imperforate De La Rue QV Head dummy stamps all in differing colours (11), also imperforate 1879 Tender Essays by Perkins Bacon (7) or De La Rue (2), all fine mint. (20). £100-120
1867 5/- Rose, plate 1, watermark Maltese Cross, HF mint with superb colour and centreing, rare in such exceptional quality. With R.P.S Certificate (1948). S.G. 126, £9,500. Photo on Page 8. £6,000-7,000
1878 10/- Greenish grey, watermark Maltese Cross, CD mint, exceptional colour and centreing, possibly the finest example of this rare stamp in existence. With Brandon (1988) and B.P.A (1991) Certificates. S.G. 128, £50,000. Photo on Front Cover. £28,000-32,000
1878 £1 Brown-lilac, watermark Maltese Cross, AB superb mint, exceptional vibrant colour. With Brandon Certificate (2001). S.G. 129, £75,000. Photo on Front Cover. £34,000-38,000
1882 £1 Brown-lilac, watermark Large Anchor, DB-EC block of four on blued paper, each handstamped "SPECIMEN" type 9, very lightly mounted on upper stamps, exceptional quality. S.G. 132s, £48,000+. Photo on Page 10. £34,000-38,000