Greenwich Hospital/Pension Office. 1814-36 Lettersheets comprising a unique handwritten essay for a Greenwich Hospital lettersheet with signature of J.W Colpoys, 1824-36 printed lettersheets for Greenwich Hospital (side panels removed) or Greenwich Pension Office London with partly printed addresses to the "Collector of Customs" or "Collector of Excise" and Free datestamps, and three relevant Acts. (6). £180-220
Merchant Seaman. 1836 (Apr 30) Printed "Register Office of Merchant Seamen" lettersheet, O.H.M.S heading with "Pursuant to an Act of Parliament of the 5th and 6th year of King William the Fourth", sent free to the owner of the "Scotia" at Wick. The printed letter asks for a list of the crew to be sent by return. Also the 1835 Act on the Register of Merchant Seamen. Very scarce. (2). £120-150
Salmon Fisheries. c.1820 Printed wrapper "Salmon Fisheries" with address of "T.F Kennedy Esq., Chairman of the Committee on Salmon Fisheries, House of Commons, London" and "FREE, F. FREELING", unused, the only example seen, possibly a unique survival. £120-150
Ireland - Education of Native Irish. 1832 (Sep 12) Printed lettersheet headed "IRISH SOCIETY, for promoting the Education of the Native Irish, through the medium of their own Language" with "Sir Edward S. Lees, Post Office, Dublin" printed address, "TYRRELLSPASS / 40" and a fine Free datestamp, piece cut from the internal letter, otherwise fine and scarce. Photo on Page 34. £200-250
Ireland - Chief Secretary's Office. 1833 (Jan 4) Printed Chief Secretary's Office lettersheet with heading "On His Majesty's Service" and "INSPECTOR-GENERAL, LEINSTER DISTRICT" to Dunblany Castle with red crowned Free datestamp, scarce. Photo on Page 34. £150-200
Building of Additional Churches. 1838-39 Lettersheets with the printed heading "On the Business of the Commissioners appointed under the Act for the building and promoting the building of additional Churches", two differing versions with different Free datestamps, one the supplementary type datestamp with "E" code (type LF25). Also the 1832 Act on building churches. (3). £200-250
Churches and Chapels. 1835 (Mar 12) Lettersheet with the printed heading "The Incorporated Society for promoting the Enlargement, Building, and Repairing of Churches and Chapels, St. Martin's Place" and partly printed address To the Reverend The Officiating Minister of Ingleby Arncliffe, Northallerton, red Free datestamp, very scarce. Photo on Page 34. £150-200
Parochial Returns. 1811-31 Letters from the Archbishiop of York to Freeling (2), and 1831 "Parochial Return, F. Freeling" printed lettersheet posted from London to The Lord Bishop of Lichfield & Coventry at Strafford with red crowned circular "To be / delivered / Free". An 1811 letter states the Bishop has received so many Parochial Returns he will have to return them to the Post Office if he has to pay for them; Lord Chichester advises he should withhold payment and give details to the Letter Carrier on appropriate forms. An 1821 letter states large numbers of population returns received are charged as above number; the Bishop will act on the spirit of the relief afforded by the Chancellor of the Exchequer and sign a receipt for the charge. An interesting group. (3). £200-240
General Post Office. 1831 (Aug 12) Lettersheet with printed heading "General Post-Office, Remittance Acknowledgement" and "F. Freeling", sent free to the Postmaster of Newton Abbot, the printed letter acknowledging bills for £50.15.0 which will be placed to the Postmaster's credit. Scarce. Photo on Page 34. £150-200
General Post Office. c.1830 Unused lettersheet with printed address panel headed "Missent and Redirected letters", with the address "His Majesty's Postmaster General, London", very scarce. £80-100
Land Tax Redemption/Freeling. 1835 (Jan 7) Printed "L.T.R" O.H.M.S lettersheet sent free to Clavesdon, Warwick, with handstamped "free / F. Freeling", unusual and scarce. Photo on Page 34. £150-200
| "To be Delivered Free" Handstamps | |
London. 1809-38 Entires with the three types of London handstamps in red, crowned circle handstamp on 1809 entire signed by Freeling, crowned octagonal handstamp on 1835 General Post Office O.H.M.S lettersheet, and crowned oval handstamp on 1838 cover signed by the Postmaster General Lord Lichfield, all posted within London, a fine trio. (3). £300-350
Dublin. 1818 (Oct 10) Sworn affidavit from the Postmaster of Skibbereen stating the murderer Simpson was in the Skibbereen Post Office two weeks earlier, sent by the Magistrate of Skibbereen to Edward Lees at the Post Office, Dublin, with red Free datestamp, the affidavit and outer wrapper then enclosed within a further wrapper and sent by Lees (Secretary of the Irish Post Office) to Capt Mayne (relative of the murdered man) within Dublin, with scarce crowned oval "TO BE / DELIVER'D / FREE" in red. A unique group, less than ten examples of this handstamp recorded in red. (2 + letter). Photo on Page 34. £300-400
Edinburgh. 1829 (Jan 25) Entire posted within Edinburgh, signed by Sir David Weddesburn, Secretary of the Scottish Post Office, with black unframed "TO BE / DELIVERED / FREE", boxed "Too late" type datestamp on reverse, fine and scarce. Photo on Page 34. £240-280
| Local Post Charge Marks | |
1809 (Jan 1) Entire letter posted from Kingston Upon Thames to East Sheen charged the 3d local post charge for a country letter, redirected to Lincolns Inn posted within the 2d rate area, hand stamped "5" and "In All" with red Free datestamp, very fine. £100-120
1817 (July 18) Entire letter to the Bishop of Norwich, posted within the London 2d Post with a "2" charge mark and red unframed "TO PAY / 2<+z6b2>D / ONLY", fine and very rare, only one other example recorded, the two examples used within a four day period. Photo on Page 36. £400-500
Dublin. 1813 (Dec 23) Entire letter from Dublin to Ballytore with "RATHFARNHAM / PENNY POST" and "1" charge mark, and superb octagonal framed "TO PAY / ONE PENNY / ONLY", surely the finest known example of this scarce handstamp, recorded for 1813-18. Photo on Page 36. £250-300
| Frees to and From Abroad | |
Peninsular War. 1811 (July 19) Entire letter to "Lt. Col. The Lord Blantyre, 42nd Royal Highlanders, British Army, Portugal" from his mother in Scotland, apparently sent under cover to the Postmaster General the Earl of Sandwich, who has signed the letter allowing it to go free, with red Free datestamp (July 24) and Foreign Office backstamp. A very unusual abuse of the franking privilege by the Postmaster General, who had unlimited franking powers. Photo on Page 36. £200-250
India Letter - Cape of Good Hope. 1818 (Apr 15) Entire letter to "Lieut Colonel Warre, D.Q.M. General, Cape of Good Hope" written by his mother, but headed as a free letter and signed by S.R Chapman, Secretary of the Master of Ordnance, who had unlimited franking, with red Free datestamp and scarce black oval datestamp (Jay 1424, used in the Ship Letter Office in 1813-19). Delayed for a week awaiting a suitable ship to the Cape, then handstamped with red crowned boxed "INDIA / LETTER / FREE / LONDON" datestamp (Apr 22). A remarkable item, still the only recorded example of this India Letter Free datestamp (a similar handstamp with "SHIP" at base recorded on three 1816-17 items, this possibly the same handstamp with "SHIP" excised), ex. Jay. Photo on Inside Front Cover. £2,500-3,500
India. 1831 (Sep 19) Entire letter from E.F Fraser in Scotland to his son, W. Fraser in Delhi, sent under cover to Charles Grant, President of the India Board, who has signed and headed the address panel for free postage, a clear abuse of the franking privilege. Handstamped with both Inland and Ship Letter Office Free datestamps in red, the scarce boxed Ship Letter Office Free being the earliest recorded use of the smaller (24x18mm) third type handstamp. Fine and scarce. Photo on Page 36. £400-500
Greenwich Hospital/Gibraltar. 1810 (May 7) Printed Greenwich Hospital lettersheet addressed to Gibraltar with red Free datestamp and Foreign Office backstamp, signed by Sir John Colpoys, Treasurer of the hospital, who had unlimited franking privileges. £120-150
Gibraltar. 1833 Entire to "The Secretary of War, London", headed "On Service" with curved "GIBRALTAR" in black, arrival backstamp (Aug 23). Unusual, the Secretary of War had unlimited franking privileges. £180-220
Disinfected Mail - Italy. 1833 (Jan 2) Entire letter franked by John Drinkwater (Comptroller of Army Accounts, who had unlimited franking privileges) to his brother in Naples, with Free datestamp and arrival handstamps, disinfected with vinegar and slits, a rare disinfected free letter. £150-200
Forwarding Agent - Portsmouth. 1834 (Feb 7) Free entire from Portsmouth to Scotland, reverse with blue boxed "Forwarded by Yours &c / GARRATT & GIBBON / PORTSMOUTH / AGENTS TO LLOYDS". A rare F.A.C on a free letter, clearly originating overseas. £180-220
| Channel Islands & Isle of Man | |
Navy Pay Office. 1804-05 Printed Navy Pay Office O.H.M.S lettersheets with Free datestamps, both unusually sent to Guernsey, one missent to Helston. One acknowledges a claim for prize money, the other asks for further details about Seaman Thomas Paill who cannot be found on the books of the "Mosquito". (2). £120-150
1821 (Apr 17) Entire (side flaps removed) "To His Royal Highness the Duke of York Commander in Chief, Horse Guards, London" with fine "JERSEY" scroll handstamp and a red Free datestamp, unusual. Photo on Page 36. £150-200
1822 (Dec 4) Printed Admiralty Office J.W Croker O.H.M.S lettersheet to Thomas de Sausmarez, Guernsey, red Free datestamp, with a bill from the Guernsey Postmaster Nicholas Watson for postage on letters to Thomas de Sausmarez received between 20 Nov. 1822 and 9 March 1823 which includes 1d for the delivery of this free letter. An unusual matched pair showing the local delivery charge on a free letter, file folds, otherwise fine. (2). £150-200
Isle of Man/Ireland. 1820 (Sep 22 Entire letter from William Ogilvie in Dublin but signed by A. Mangen in the Chief Secretary's Office (a clear abuse of franking) with red Free datestamp, to the President of the Commercial Chamber in Waterford. The interesting letter concerns the postal routes to the Isle of Man, a letter from Ireland to Peel having to go via Milford Haven and Whitehaven to Douglas and across the island; Ogilvie proposes a direct Packet from Ardglass to Peel. £120-150
Isle of Man. 1823 (Mar 4) Entire letter written from Kirk Michael by the Bishop of the Isle of Man (who did not sit in the House of Lords so had no franking privilege), franked by his uncle Earl Strange, an abuse of his franking privilege, backstamped straight line "ISLE OF MAN" (IM10), fine, Isle of Man free franks scarce. £180-220
| Abuses of the Franking Privilege | |
1729 (June 5) Entire letter written and addressed by J. Plumb but signed "Free Tho Brereton" in a differing hand, posted from London to Liverpool, the differing signature noticed by the Inspector of Franks who has crossed the signature out and charged 4d (initialled). Also a c1750 letter to Edinburgh (faults) with "Free Jas. Carnegie" clearly in a differing hand to the address and letter but allowed by the Inspector with manuscript "P". An unusual pair. (2). £100-150
1792 - c.1825 Letters concerning larger items sent as frees, the 1792 letter from John Fisk who has obtained four franks in which he will send his pamphlet divided into four parts; 1811 letter to Freeling on behalf of Lady Wellington who wishes to take advantage of Freeling's obliging promise of forwarding articles to Lord Wellington, and has two boxes to send; and c.1825 letter from the Marquess of Westmeath to Freeling asking for a group of witnesses in his divorce proceedings to travel free from Dublin to Anglesey and back - one of the more bizarre free franking requests to be sent to Freeling! (3). £150-180
1796 (Feb 7) Entire letter from W. Ravenscroft at Purdysburn, posted from Belfast to Londonderry franked by the Bishop of Down, with superb red "BELFAST" handstamp. £80-100
1823 (July 19) Entire letter written by Edward O'Maly, with instructions to address any reply to Mr Martin MP, the letter signed and inscribed by Richard Martin, posted from London to Edinburgh but endorsed "above 1oz" and handstamped red "ABOVE / WEIGHT" (LW2), charged 4/4½. An interesting free franking abuse that failed to save postage as the letter contained an enclosure and so was overweight. £200-250
Houses of Parliament. 1825 (Mar 10) Entire letter from Tallagh in Ireland to London, apparently sent under cover to an MP and then posted into the London 2d Post, with "2" charge and scarce red "H.P", used at the receiving house at the Houses of Parliament. Very fine and scarce. Photo on Page 36. £250-300
1839 (Apr 8) Entire letter from W.M Goaler to his wife in Liverpool, sent to William Gladstone (the MP for Newark) with the address details on the reverse, copied by Gladstone who has also inscribed and signed the letter as a free frank, with supplementary type Free datestamp code "E". An interesting franking abuse by Gladstone, who was to become Prime Minister on four occasions. £150-200
| Mail Coaches, Carriers & Toll Roads | |
Mail Coaches/Turnpikes. c.1820-1910 Ephemera with a fine c.1820 printed handbill for the Saracens Head Inn in Liverpool with details of all the mail coaches leaving the Inn; 1842 printed letter posted from Liverpool advertising "Taskers Turnpike Acts, for Toll collectors and others"; 1842-65 O.H.M.S "Turnpike Trusts" covers from the Secretary of State's Office (2, one with letter); large coloured scrap of a Royal Mail coach; photo of a GR mail coach; postcard of the final London to Brighton parcel coach, etc. (9). £160-200
Coaching Receipts - London. c.1800-60 Printed receipts from London coaching inns for the carriage of parcels, from the Axe Inn, Aldermanbury; Bell Inn, Cheapside; Black Bull Inn, Holborn; Boar & Castle Inn, Oxford St. (2); Bull Inn, Bishopsgate St. (4); Bull & Mouth, Piccadilly; Castle & Falcon, Aldergate St. (5); Friday Street (receipt named to Lord Palmerston); King's Head Inn, Borough; New Inn, Old Bailey; Old Green Man and Still, Oxford St.; Old White Horse Cellar, Piccadilly (2); Queen's Arms Hotel and Commercial Tavern, Newgate St.; Three Nuns Inn, Aldgate; White Hart Inn, Borough; also two small receipts from Old Bell Inn, Holborn, which may have been affixed to parcels. A fine group, many with details of coaches. (26). Photo on Page 38. £550-650
Coaching/Carrier Receipts - London. c.1830-50 Printed receipts for the carriage of parcels, from Thomas Winkworth, the original Isleworth carrier; Green & Archer's Norfolk & Suffolk Vans & Waggons, Bishopgate St. Without (2); Brown's Original Glo'ster Warehouse, Oxford St.; Chaplin's Universal Office, Piccadilly; G. Cross Ship & Coach Office, Charing Cross; Commercial Inland Carrying & Steam Navigation Co., Cheapside; Robert Cheal, Carrier to Her Majesty, Cheapside; Mann & Woodrow's Parcels Despatch and General Shipping and Agency Office, Newgate St.; also a printed receipt for food and lodging from Blossoms Inn, Tavern & Hotel, Cheapside. A fine group, some with coach and wagon details. (10). £200-250
Tollgate Tickets. c.1810-60 Tollgate tickets including a fine printed ticket from Diddington on the London & Holyhead Road, others from Dashmonden or Woolpack near Biddenden (7), Welbury (2), Carisbrooke, Goldcroft, Allensmore, Northop, Conway, Wells, Coldbrough, Old Down, Penge Road Dulwich, Abergavenny area (2), Stony Middleton, etc. A scarce group, thirteen clearly used, some others probably unused. (26). Photo on Page 38. £500-600
| Maritime Mail (Also see lot 219) | |
Mobile Box - London. 1844-48 Entire letter and entires (2), to London (2) or Liverpool with boxed "M.B", two in red with matching straight line "SHIP LETTER" or circular "SHIP LETTER / LONDON" datestamp, the other with "M.B" and straight line "SHIP LETTER" both in black, two endorsed by the steamers "Sphinx" or "London", charged 10d (2) or 1/3, minor faults. (3). £240-300
Mobile Box - Southampton. 1844-46 Entire letter and entire from Le Havre to London, with boxed "M.B" and matching Southampton backstamps in black or blue, charged 1/3 or 2/-, the 1846 entire endorsed by the Le Havre forwarding agent Alfred Rigot, the first with file folds, otherwise both fine, the M.B handstamp very scarce in black. (2). £160-200
Mobile Box - Channel Islands. 1909-27 Picture Postcards to Jersey with French stamps cancelled boxed "JERSEY / FRANCE / M.B" datestamps (2, also cancels on two pieces); and 1923 picture postcard from St. Malo to Guernsey with France 30c unusually cancelled by "GUERNSEY" single ring c.d.s. (5). £100-120
| Mulreadys | |
Unused Mulreadys comprising 1d lettersheet stereo A54 with English and Scottish Law Fire and Life Assurance advert printed in blue, 1d lettersheet stereo A236 (forme 6, light crease), 1d envelope stereo A181, 2d lettersheet stereo a90 (minor faults to reverse), 2d envelope stereo a196, mainly fine. (5). £250-300
1840-41 1d Envelopes, stereo A154 used from Coventry to Henley in Arden with boxed "No. 1", and stereo A152 used from Liverpool to Melrose, also 2d envelope stereo a209 used from Bodmin to Devonport, all with red Maltese Crosses, the 2d envelope with large closed tear, 1d envelopes largely fine. (3). £150-180
1840 (Aug 8) 1d Envelope, stereo A305 from forme 5 or 6, used from Havant to Portsea with red Maltese Cross and Havant datestamp on the front, minor soiling, scarce. The S.G. catalogue records one unused and three used examples of this stereo number. S.G. £750. £140-160
Chippenham. 1840 1d Envelope stereo A151 used to Stroud, and a 1d lettersheet to Cirencester, both with red Maltese Cross cancels and a Chippenham backstamp in black, both fine. (2). £180-220
1840 (Oct 23) 1d Lettersheet, stereo A67, containing a printed advert for "Cheap New Books, now selling at the low prices affixed, for ready money by T. Kerslake, 3 Park Street, Bristol", these Mulready lettersheets sold by Kerslake at 10d per dozen, posted from Hot Wells to Blackheath Hill, London. Backstamped at Bristol and London, with a red Maltese Cross and blue "HOT-WELLS" undated circle on the front. A fine example of this uncommon advert, which was sold to the public at a discount by the advertiser. MA445a. Photo on Page 36. £180-220
| Pictorial Letters and Envelopes (Also see lot 268) | |
1835-61 Postally used lettersheets (2) and a cover, with enclosed letters all with handdrawn illustrations, the 1835 letter to a stained glass manufacturer with a drawing of the armorial bearings of G. Bilckton to be placed in a window in Hornsey Church, 1841 letter with a drawing of a gentleman who has enquired about buying a property, and 1861 letter with several illustrations relating how the addressee fell asleep whilst waiting on their donkey cart and was later thrown from the cart when the donkey was frightened by a passing train causing it to rear up and bolt. (3). £100-120
1840 Fores Pictorial Envelopes, the complete set of ten envelopes comprising No. 1 - Courting, No. 2 - Musical, No. 3 - Dancing, No. 4 - Hunting, No. 5 - Racing, No. 6 - Coaching, No. 7 - Shooting, No. 8 Civic, No. 9 - Military, No. 10 - Christmas, number 9 with a few light tone marks, otherwise fine. A rare complete set, the Christmas Envelope predating the first Christmas card, which was produced a year later. (10). Photo on Page 36. £800-1,000
1908 Card panel (14x20cm) with a watercolour illustration of a man holding a bill board, which bears the address, the reverse with a second watercolour illustration of a flower, signed E. Tooze, posted from Wealdstone to Charlbury franked 1d, minor tone spots, attractive and most unusual. £100-150