Madras District. 1856 (Aug 12) Cover to Palamcottah bearing two 1a stamps each cancelled by a circle of bars (Cooper type 2c), backstamped with red boxed "PUNJAMAL / POST PAID" dated in manuscript. A fine and rare District Post cover. Photo on Page 92. £400-500
Madras Circle. 1856 (Dec 5) Entire letter franked ½a, cancelled by a circle of bars (Cooper type 2c), reverse with red chamfered corner handstamp "N.A.T.T / SHOLINGHUR / Paid" dated in manuscript. A fine and rare District Post cover. Photo on Page 94. £300-400
Madras Circle. 1865 (Dec 2) Cover to England franked 4a + 2a + 8p each cancelled by triangular barred "D/160" (Cooper type 29), backstamped red double oval framed "Tinnevelly / District Post Office / Paid", datestamps of Palamcottah and Madras (including hexagonal "Sorting" type), curved "INDIA PAID" and London c.d.s on the front. The only recorded example of this Tinnevelly handstamp with the very scarce triangular District Post cancels, and very unusual for a District Post cover to be addressed overseas. Photo on Page 94. £400-500
| District Dawk | |
Central Provinces. c.1880 ½a Envelope and a cover franked ½a, both cancelled "N" in bars, backstamped with "3N1 / D.D" or "4N6 / D.D" datestamps. Rare, very few District Dawk datestamps recorded from the Central Provinces (with letter "N"). (2). £200-250
Oudh/North West Provinces. c.1880 Stampless native covers with "2O8 / D.D" c.d.s used in Oudh Province, or "31A2 / D.D" c.d.s used in North West Provinces, both with boxed "POSTAGE DUE", the first torn, very scarce. (2). £160-200
| Zemindari Dawk (Bengal Circle) | |
1874 (Aug 5) Registered cover from Chilmari Zemindari Dawk Office to Berhampore, reverse franked ½a pair + 2a (2) each cancelled by the rare "ZY / 24" numeral in a diamond struck in blue (Cooper 8j) with triangular framed "CHILMARI Z.D.O" and "CHILMARI Z.D.O" c.d.s, datestamps of Woolipore, Ajmare, "2 LOOP 4" and Berhampore. Redirected to Moorsidabad, the front with boxed registration handstamp of Woolipore and Fungpore datestamp. Torn open at left, the front a little stained with several small file holes, nevertheless a very rare cancel and cover. Photo on Page 94. £400-500
| Instructional Handstamps | |
1865 (July 22) Stampless entire letter from Calcutta to France posted into a portable letterbox on a steamer landed at Madras, with framed "FOUND IN THE PORTABLE L.B" and a "MADRAS / INDIA UNPAID" datestamp. Handstamped with "G.B /1 F 62 C" Anglo-French Accountancy mark and 9 decimes charge mark, arrival backstamps and red "FORWARDED BY / MACKENZIE LYALL & Co / THE / EXCHANGE / CALCUTTA" senders cachet. Fine and scarce. Photo on Page 94. £250-300
c.1880 ½a Envelope from Bombay to Kurrachee with boxed "FOUND IN / OVERLAND / LETTER BOX", the handstamp inverted, otherwise fine and scarce. Photo on Page 98. £120-150
1856-1929 Covers and cards, explanatory handstamps including "Detained Late Fee Not Paid" (10), "Train Late" (3), "Posted in Wrong Train" (3), "Too Late" (25), cover endorsed "Missent to Madras" bearing yellow label "Post Master will kindly obtain this cover and forward to Supdt., Travelling Post Office, for reference", 1892 registered cover with yellow label "Missent, Please return this envelope to the Postman" tied by Jeypore c.d.s, also large oval "Late Fee Paid Bombay Foreign" datestamp. An interesting collection, a few faults. (44). £400-500
1859-1905 Covers and cards with despatch or delivery handstamps including 1873 cover from Poona with boxed "1 DESPATCH", 1866-70 covers from Madras with oval framed "M.D" (3, Morning Despatch), and delivery or Peon handstamps (42) with circular "MIRZAPORE / PEON / No. 6", "MIRZAPUR / PEON / No. 6" or "BANDA / PEON / No.3", boxed "PEON / No. 5" or similar (5), "A.M", "P.M", "1st. D", "2d D", "3d D", individual numbers, etc., some faults but an interesting collection. (46). £250-300
1867-1901 Covers from G.B to India franked 1/-, 10d, 5d or 1d, all redirected, handstamped "REDIRECTED" at Madras (2, boxed) or Poona, or "Reposted" at Karachi, two with Sea Post Office and Madras Overland Mail backstamps, one with boxed "BOMBAY / BG 2 As", two with part flaps missing. (4). £100-150
| Postage Due Mail | |
Bombay. 1860-1901 Covers with Bombay Postage Due or Bearing handstamps, the study of types with circular datestamps showing postage due charges, boxed handstamps with "Bg", "Bearg" or "Bearing" with or without a date, etc., many on native covers posted unpaid or franked ½a, a few higher franked covers, three covers from Bombay to Cutch-Mundra carried by steamer with boxed "BOMBAY / SHIP LETTER / POSTAGE DUE 1AN", some faults but an interesting study. (67). £350-450
1858-1918 Covers and cards, various postage due handstamps including scarce boxed "UNDERPAID" of Delhi (2, one on small registered cover), 1866 stampless Bearing letter from "M.M Asylum" with "Madras Suburban No.3" datestamp, Bearing datestamps incorrectly used on paid mail, redirection charges, red boxed "INSUFFICIENT" and blue boxed "CAL: G.P.O / BG 1 ANNA" on 1864 letter from Calcutta franked ½a, unpaid native covers with charge marks of Poona, Ajmere Jubbulpore, Meerut, Allygurh, Delhi, "CAWNPORE UNPAID / 1 AN" c.d.s, etc. An interesting collection. (71). £300-400
| Mail from G.B to India | |
1872-78 Covers sent within G.B, to army or naval officers correctly franked 1d, then redirected to India, the 1872 cover to H.M.S "Immortalite" at Portland, redirected to Portsmouth then Bombay with "St. Bg / As 6" charge mark (equivalent to the single rate 9d deficiency), endorsed "Left the Ship" and boxed "UNCLAIMED / AT BOMBAY". The 1878 Cover redirected from Dublin to Morar with "OVERLAND POSTAGE / DUE / As ½", charged the inland rate only. An unusual pair. (2). £120-150
1858-59 Covers to Calcutta sent via Marseille, the first franked 6d from Newark with "INSUFFICIENTLY / PRE-PAID" and "St. Bg / As 4", equivalent to the single 6d deficiency; the second franked 9d from Doncaster to H.M.S "Nemesis" with red boxed "DEFICIENT POSTAGE 3 / BRITISH SHARE OF FINE 3" and "St. Bg. As 6", equivalent to 9d, redirected without charge to Akyab with oval "FORWARDED" on reverse. (2). £120-150
1863-67 Covers via Marseille charged the deficiency + 6d, with unframed "DEFICIENT POSTAGE / HALF FINE" handstamps showing the combined total due to G.B, comprising "3d / 3d } 6d" handstamp on cover franked 9d charged 6A, "1d / 3d } 4d" handstamp on cover franked 9d charged 4A 8P, "4d / 3d } 7d" handstamp on cover franked 6d charged 6A 8P, and "1d / 3d } 4d" handstamp altered in manuscript to "4d / 3d, total 7d" on a cover over ½oz franked 9d and charged 12A. (4). £200-240
1860-68 Covers via Marseille charged the deficiency + 6d, with boxed "EXCG OZ / DEFICIENT POSTAGE / BRITISH SHARE OF FINE (3)", franked 6d with 4d deficiency charged 6A, franked 9d with a 3d deficiency charge 6A, franked 10d with a 10d deficiency charged 10A 8P, or franked 2d with a deficiency of 8d charged 9A. (4). £200-240
1868-69 Covers via Marseille with "DEFICIENT POSTAGE / BRITISH SHARE OF FINE 4½", all charged the deficiency + 9d, boxed handstamps on covers franked 6d with a 7d deficiency, charged 10A 8P or 7A 8P, or franked 1/- with a 1d deficiency charged 6A 8P. (3). £150-180
1868-70 Covers franked 6d sent via Southampton, all underpaid by 3d with a fine of 9d, charged 8A. All with differing London handstamps comprising unframed "DEFICIENT POSTAGE 3 / BRITISH SHARE OF FINE 4½ } 7½", boxed "DEFICIENT POSTAGE 3d / FINE 9d } 1/-" or "EXCG OZ / DEFICIENT POSTAGE (3) / FINE 9d", one with a few edge faults, otherwise fine, an interesting trio. (3). £150-200
1869-70 Covers via Marseille, charged the deficiency + 9d, one with boxed "DEFICIENT POSTAGE 3D / FINE 9D } 1/-" franked 10d and charged 8A, the others with boxed "EXCG OZ / DEFICIENT POSTAGE / FINE 9d" on covers franked 6d with a 7d deficiency charged 10A 8P, franked 9d with a 4d deficiency charged 8A 8P, and double rate covers franked 1/1 (2, 1d + 1/- or 3 x 4d + 1d) both with a 1/1 deficiency charged 14A 8P. One with a few edge faults, otherwise fine. (5). £240-300
1873-76 Covers sent via Brindisi, charged the deficiency + 9d, with boxed "DEFICIENT POSTAGE / FINE 9d" handstamps, two double rate covers franked 1/- (one with 3d strip of four) underpaid by 1/- and charged 14A, the other two only franked 1d, underpaid by 11d and charged 13A 4P, all with differing Indian charge marks. (4). £180-220
1877-78 Covers sent via Brindisi at the 8d rate, all with circular "OVERLAND POSTAGE / DUE" handstamps with a differing charge, a 1d pink stationery envelope with 8A charge, and covers franked 2½d with 6A 6P charge, 6d with 3A 6P charge or 4d with 5A 6P charge. (4). £120-150
1882-91 Covers (4) and cards (2) all with violet boxed "VALUE OF STAMPS / DEFICIENCY" handstamps showing differing stamp and deficiency amounts, comprising "5d / 5d" on double rate cover charged 8A 6P, "4d / 1d" on cover charged 2A, "2½d / 2½d" on cover charged 4A 6P, "1d / 4d" on cover charged 7A, "1d / 1d" on a 1d postcard charged 2A 7P and "1½d / ½d" on 1d postcard franked ½d with 1A charge. All with differing "OVERLAND POSTAGE DUE" handstamps, one with error of spelling "POSTGE". (6). £180-240
| Other Countries to India | |
Egypt. 1860-71 Stampless covers to Bombay with "CAIRO" British Post Office c.d.s and "SUEZ" British P.O transit datestamps, all with circular "St. Bg" charge marks for differing rates, comprising 5A 4P, 8A, 1R or 2R, all fine, an interesting group. (4). £320-400
France. 1873 (Apr 1) Cover from Bordeaux to Pondicherry, 65c postage paid by 5c + 10c + 25c pair, a double weight cover underpaid by 1f35c with boxed "PD" crossed out and replaced by "AFFRANCHISSEMENT / INSUFFISANT", a circular "ST BG" charge mark for IR 1A 4P applied in error and crossed out, replaced by a 14A 8P charge mark. Very unusual, believed to be the only recorded Steamer Bearing handstamp with a rupees, annas and pies charge. Photo on Page 98. £160-200
Netherlands Indies. 1863-66 Stampless covers to India, all with "BATAVIA / FRANKO" datestamp, two with Singapore transit c.d.s and circular "St. Bg" charge for 1 Rupee, the other with boxed "INDIA PAID / BY BATAVIA" and "BOMBAY / BG 2 As", this last cover with faults, the two covers via Singapore a little toned but otherwise fine. (3). £180-220
Persian Gulf. 1867-81 Stampless covers to Bombay, believed to emanate from the Persian Gulf (one with enclosed letter in Indian script), handstamped boxed "BOMBAY / SHIP LETTER / POSTAGE DUE 1A" (2 types, one with box divided into three parts by horizontal lines), "BOMBAY / Bearing 2 Annas" or similar 4 Annas handstamp, arrival datestamps, all fine. (4). £320-400
Portugal/Gibraltar. 1879 (May 20) Cover from Porto to India bearing 100r single and strip of five, sent via Gibraltar and French steamer to Alexandria, the sea postage from Portugal included in the 600r franking and paid by the Portuguese Post Office to the G.P.O in London, the rare Gibraltar handstamp "PAID / POSTAGE ACCOUNTED FOR BY / PORTUGAL TO G.P.O LONDON" applied with a Gibraltar c.d.s alongside. Boxed "BOMBAY / Bearing 3 Annas" delivery charge handstamp and a Simla Delivery datestamp on the front, backstamped at Lisbon, Bombay and Simla. Minor edge faults, otherwise fine and a rare cover. Just seven examples of this Gibraltar explanatory handstamp recorded, this the only example on a cover to India. Photo on Page 98. £700-1,000
Tasmania. 1867 (Apr 25) Cover from Hobart to an Officer in the 23rd Royal Welch Fusiliers at Nagode, Bengal, franked 6d, underpaid by 6d with red boxed "INSUFFICIENT" handstamp. Redirected to Jubbulpore and then to Sangor endorsed "Gone to Sangor" and "Court Martial Duty Sangor", reverse with boxed "CALCUTTA / STEAM LETTER" datestamp and triangular datestamp, boxed "CALCUTTA P.O / BG 4 ANS", and datestamps including Jubbulpore and Sangor. A rare origin to India, charged the 4a deficiency and a further 2a upon redirection. Photo on Page 98. £500-600
| India to G.B | |
1860-62 Covers sent via Marseille franked 4a, 5a or 6a all with boxed "INSUFFICIENT" handstamps and boxed "DEFICIENT POSTAGE / FINE 3d" in red or black (2), one also with curved "INDIA UNPAID", "MORE / TO / PAY" handstamps applied in London, charged 9d. One cover from Hazareebang with backstamps in red and black, red "INDIA PAID" crossed out, black "INDIA UNPAID" and "INSUFFICIENT", the 1a + 4a stamps cancelled in transit in Bombay. The 4a cover with edge faults, the others fine. (3). £120-150
1864 Covers sent via Marseille franked 3a8p or 6a (2, three 2a stamps from Lucknow or 1a pair + 4a from Bunnoo) all with scarce large boxed "DEFICIENT / POSTAGE - 4 / FINE - 3" or "DEFICIENT / POSTAGE - 1 / FINE - 3" (2) applied in India, charged 10d or 7d, the Lucknow cover with unusual boxed "INDIA UNPAID", Bunnoo cover with tears at right edge, otherwise fine. (3). £180-220
1868 Cover from Secunderabad, via Marseille, franked 4a8p with curved "INDIA UNPAID", boxed "INSUFFICIENT" and "DEFICIENT POSTAGE (3) / INDIAN SHARE OF FINE (3)", charged 9d. Minor creasing, otherwise fine, this "Indian Share of Fine" handstamp very scarce . Photo on Page 98. £250-300
Officers Letters. 1869-70 Covers from Lahore or Rawalpindi both signed by army officers, sent via Marseille franked at the 6a8p Officers concession rate but handstamped "EXCG OZ / DEFICIENT POSTAGE 3 / FINE 9 } 1/-", the first probably overweight for the concession rate, the second posted in 1870 after the Officers rate had been withdrawn, unusual. (2). £180-240
1872-75 Covers sent via Brindisi all with "EXCG OZ / DEFICIENT POSTAGE / FINE 9" handstamps, one cover from Bombay unusually bearing twelve 4a stamps paying 3r but still underpaid by 1/- and charged 1/9, cover with eight ½a stamps + 8a paying 12a but still underpaid by 6d and charged 1/3, and cover franked 8a underpaid by 1/- and charged 1/9, all fine. (3). £180-240
| Registered Mail | |
1855 (Apr 24) Small cover from Alleppy to Madras endorsed "No 32 Registered" bearing 1854 ½a pair (die I, four margins, corner tear to left stamp) each cancelled by a diamond of dots, reverse with red boxed "ALLEPPY / Paid" datestamp. Also an 1855 Post Office receipt for a registered letter from Bhewanee to Calcutta. (2). Photo on Page 98. £250-300
1855 (Dec 24) Entire letter from Tanna to Bombay endorsed "Stamped & Registered, Letter no 30", franked 1854 1a (four margins) cancelled by "9" in diamond of bars, backstamped with red boxed "TANNA / Paid" datestamp and "G.P.O / 1 A.M" Christmas day arrival datestamp. A fine 1854 issue registered cover, originally enclosing a cheque. Photo on Page 98. £250-350
1868 (Oct.) Registered cover from Bombay to Pangim, Goa, with 1a + 4a (2) each cancelled by the scarce open "1" numeral cancel (Cooper type B4c, possibly only used on registered mail), reverse with scarce semi-circular type "BOMBAY P.O / REGISTERED No." (Nuttall type 11a), minor staining, a little ink erosion to address and opening tears on reverse, scarce. £120-150
| Military & Campaign Mail | |
Persian Field Force. 1857 (Apr 3) Stampless entire letter to Ireland, headed "From No. 2555 Private James Ligan, No. 6 Company First Madras Fusiliers" and countersigned by the "Senior Officer on board" with Bombay c.d.s and red "INDIA", arrival backstamps, charged 2d. Ligan tells of his service in Burma where he received the Burma Medal and subsequent posting to Fort St. George. The letter, written from Bombay Harbour en route to Persia, includes "my regiment is once more called into active service, we left Madras on the 17th of March on board a steamer and a sailing ship for Bushire in the Persian Gulf, we are this day at Bombay on our way and we leave this evening for the seat of war". Photo on Page 98. £200-250
Persian Field Force/Baghdad. 1857 (July 4) Entire letter from T.S.H Twynam written at Baghdad, to Bombay, bearing 1856 ½a (trimmed perfs at left) cancelled by "131" in a diamond of bars, red "FIELD FORCE / PD / PERSIA" datestamp on the front (01 JY 57, in error for 10 JY), Bombay backstamp (Aug 22). The address panel with a little ink erosion to writing and piece torn from centre of upper edge, expertly repaired, good appearance, a rare stamped letter from Baghdad with the "131" Persian Field Force cancellation. Photo on Inside Back Cover. £2,000-2,500
Persian Field Force. 1857 (Sep 10) Stampless cover to Bombay (enclosed letter in Indian script) with "FIELD FORCE / BG / PERSIA" datestamp with manuscript "2as" charge above the date, Bombay arrival datestamp (Sep. 28), unusually fine. Photo on Page 102. £600-700
Indian Mutiny. 1857 (Dec 30) Stampless entire letter from Kussowlie to "Lieut. F.J Watson, 1st Fusiliers, Colonel Seatons Column, To be forwarded via Delhi", endorsed "Bearing", with Kussowlie c.d.s, boxed "P.M" and scarce circular "DELHI / BEARING", arrival backstamp with 2a charge. Photo on Page 102. £200-250
Army Headquarters. 1860 (May 14) Entire from Col. Sterling to London, bearing 1855 8a tied by "H.Q" within a diamond (Cooper type 8) with circular undated "ARMY HD QRS / P.O" backstamp. Scarce, the Army H.Q handstamp and cancel first introduced in 1857 during the Indian Mutiny, continuing in use until 1862, possibly with a mobile office. Photo on Page 102. £250-300
Delhi Camp of Exercise. 1876 (Jan 20) Cover to Calcutta franked ½a, cancelled by "CAMP OF EXERCISE / HEAD QUARTERS" duplex (bars unusually without any number), Allahabad and Calcutta backstamps. The Camp of Exercise held in Dec. 1875/Jan. 1876 in Delhi for the visit of the Prince of Wales, a scarce cancel. Photo on Page 102. £160-200
Tibet. 1904 (Sep 10) Argentina 5c postal stationery envelope from Salto to "Sub Lieutenant Grant, Army of Operations in Tibet, Simla", redirected to 8th Ghurkhas at Shillong, and again to Gamhati, various backstamps. Lt. J.D Grant won the Victoria Cross on 6th July 1904 at the storming of Gyantse Jong in Tibet whilst serving with the 8th Ghurkhas. Two Argentina stamps removed, small corner fault and central vertical fold, nevertheless an exceptional destination to a V.C winner, received at Gamhati four months after the V.C winning action but before the V.C award had been published in the London Gazette. £200-250
| World War One P.O.W & Internee Mail | |
1914 (Nov 4) Stampless Army Field Service postcard used by a P.O.W in transit, the reverse headed "Army Form A2042" (with wording similar to Burrows type 2.5 but simply with "POST CARD" printed on the front), sent to Trieste endorsed "Free Service of Prisoners of War". Violet circular "POST FREE / P.C. / PRISONERS OF WAR" with Fort Saint George c.d.s, Bombay and Austrian censors. An exceptional use of an army card by a P.O.W, this card not recorded by Burrows. £100-120
1914-15 India 1a Postal stationery postcards used by internees in transit, a 1914 (Dec 12) KEVII card written from Camp Wellington to Switzerland with message "tomorrow or Monday we are being sent to Ahmednagar"; KEVII and KGV cards to Germany both cancelled by circular "POST FREE / P.C / PRISONERS OF WAR", one written from Bombay, the other from Villupuram by a Protestant Missionary with the news "we will remain here a few months more as we are not amongst those of our Mission that are to be sent home on the 21st by the Golconda", all censored in Bombay. Very unusual. (3). £150-200
Ahmednagar. 1914 (Nov 30) Stampless printed P.O.W envelope to Rangoon, exceptionally registered with an Ahmednagar registration label applied. Also 1914 (Nov 3) receipt for a telegram sent to Germany, with Ahmednagar Camp c.d.s; 1915 O.H.M.S cover from the Prisoner of War Information Bureau in London to "The Officer Commanding Prisoners of War at Bombay", redirected to Ahmednagar (faults); and a 1915 form signed by the Commandant of the Camp. An unusual group, the only registered P.O.W cover seen from India. (4). £180-200
Ahmednagar. 1914-19 Printed Prisoner of War Postcards, the reverse with the usual five short messages, printed in English (11) or German (6), various varieties, four early cards from 1914 (Sep. 13 - Dec. 18) all with differing fancy lines printed under the "Prisoners of War, Post Card" heading on reverse, the first of these probably the earliest known use of these cards. Also a 1914 (Sep 18) plain card sent from the camp (severe faults but very early and unusual). Burrows 4.12 - 4.17 and varieties. (18). £250-300
Ahmednagar. 1914-18 Printed Prisoner of War envelopes, various types printed in red and black (8) or in red only with a large red triangle across the lower left corner (4), early Dec. 1914 types with "Passed by Commandant, Prisoners of War, Ahmednagar" in three lines at centre left or "Passed by Commandant" at centre left with the other two lines in lower corner, 1916 envelope without the "Passed by Commandant" wording, also British type envelope simply with "Prisoners of War" heading in black on shiny white paper. (13). £200-250
Ahmednagar. 1914-19 Covers and cards to P.O.Ws at Ahmednagar including Japan 1½s postal stationery card, Bavaria 10pf postal stationery card, postcard posted within India franked ½a, covers from Chile or USA (with incorrect 3A due mark) both with stamps removed by the censor, stampless items from Germany (6), Switzerland or Australia, three with scarce red "OPENED BY / CENSOR / P.W. AHMEDNAGAR" seals, four to the "Parole Camp". (13). £250-300