Sale No: 783
Auctioneer: Warwick & Warwick Location: The Court House, Jury Street, Warwick, CV34 4EW
Contact: Tel. Warwick (01926) 499031 Fax (01926) 491906
Date: 3rd January 2016 Time: 12:00PM
Details: Future Auctions 2016
March 2nd, April 6th, May 4th, June 1st, July 6th, August 3rd, September 7th,
October 5th, November 2nd, December 7th
Toys, Diecast Models, Model Railways, Postcards and Cigarette Cards:
March 16th, May 18th, July 20th,
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Auction Lots - Page 2
  Substantial BC mint accum with some duplication, sorted in 3 large stockbooks, M/UM, with KGVI and QE ranges from A-Z, commems and defins with Anguilla, Antigua, Ascension, Bermuda, BAT, Br Honduras, BVI, Barbados, Bahamas incl 1942 Landfall ½d with "elongated E" var M, Caymans, Ceylon, Dominica, Fiji, Falklands, G&E, Gold Coast, Ghana, Gibraltar, Jamaica, Kenya and KUT, Malta, Montserrat, Mauritius, Nigeria, Pitcairn, Solomons, Seychelles, Swaziland, Trinidad, Tristan, Turks, NZ, N.Borneo, St Helena, St Kitts, RSA, Sudan, Zanzibar and more. (½B) £650
  Mainly foreign M/U early to mod coln with strength in mid period, tidily presented on stock leaves incl Austria, France incl 1949 R. Fund set of 6 M, San Marino, Port Cols, Spain, Egypt incl 1933 Aviation set M, Italy and Cols, Persia, Monaco, some BC noting India and States incl Convention KGVI misc vals to 5r M/UM, GB ovpts, German Cols dupl vals to 5m M, Saar, Germany incl 3rd Reich M, Balkans, Russia, one stockbook full with French Cols, etc. Useful lot well worth viewing. (B) £600
  GB, BC and foreign jumbled accum in many assorted vols, on leaves, loose, with GB from QV incl 1840 1d black U, 1841 imperf 1d reds U, QEII incl FDC's, CI, misc ranges etc. (12B) £600
  World accum in various vols etc, early-modern, M or U, with colns, ranges etc, plenty useful seen, incl Ireland, Israel, Germany, CI and IOM, Denmark etc. Considerable quantity and variety. (6B) £600
  Mainly BC QV-early QEII misc M/U in 6 vols incl India, Morocco Ag, Ceylon, 1937 Coron sets/vals, Ireland incl GB ovpts, Gib, Gold Coast 1938-43 vals to 10/- in M/UM blocks of 4, Samoa 1920 Victory set M, NZ incl 1931 Smiling boys M, HK, Canada QV-QEII incl 1937-8 $1 M, 1946 Peace set UM, Australia KGV-QEII incl 1935 SJ set etc. (B) £500
  Large early to mod M/UM or U accum in approx 30 stockbooks with useful BC (some QEII UM) incl Tristan, Cayman Is, Dominica, Gambia, Barbados, Gib incl 1953-9 set to £1 M, Ascension, further Africa, foreign incl Scandinavia noting Faroes, Aland UM/FU, France U, Spain U etc. (3B) £500
  BC ranges in 5 stockbooks, QV to QE, M/UM or U, with a range of countries, strength very much in KGVI/early QE defins and incl S. Rhodesia 1953 set UM, Malta 1948-53 Self Govt set UM, Falklands Deps 1954-62 Ships set M, S. Georgia 1971-6 surchs set UM, Grenada, Somaliland 1938 and 1953-8 sets M, Mauritius 1953-8 set UM, Caymans 1950, 1953-62 and 1962-4 sets UM, Ascension 1956 set UM, omnibus issues with Newfoundland 1937 long Coro set M (4) and FU etc. (½B) £500
  Misc BC accum in 10 albums/stockbooks, mint and used, strong in Pacific's with Cooks, Fiji, Solomons, Samoa, Norfolks incl FDC's, PNG, New Hebs etc. (B) £400
  Misc accum on various leaves, cards and a few albums, with 1978 Coro uncut sheetlets UM, Lundy 1982 Puffin set of 11 vals in full sheets of 72 UM, Iceland 1903-1970 incl 1931 2k FU (2), 1954 Hafstein FU, 1957 25k UM, CI wartime issues, France 1980's FDC's, USA, Korea, Cuba, Jamaica 1919-21 vals to 10/- FU, 1949 UPU Omnibus set M, HK 1941 Cent set UM, KUT QE booklets study, Canada 1898 Xmas M (3), etc. Good for resale. (B) £400
  Miscellany, mainly in various vols, with colns, ranges etc, early-modern, M or U, diverse extensive lot with more useful seen, and incl GB FDCs, useful booklets with 1904 2s.½d (some faults) etc. (6B) £400
  World miscellany, mainly in various vols, early-modern, M or U, with colns, ranges etc, plenty useful seen with colns of German States, Germany Allied Occupations, NZ with modern UM, Czech, Austria, Poland etc. (3B) £400
  Misc duplicated middle period accum in glassine packets, mint and used with some Greece UM, 1912 Greek Admin ovpt on p.dues incl 3d ovpt in red reading down FU, Switz, Germany, Scandinavia, Yugoslavia, Epirus 1914 surch pairs UM, Dodecanese 1947 ovpts UM, Mytilene 1912 range with vals to 10p ovpt in black M and ovpt in blue M and FU, Dedeagatz 1913 ovpt vals with 10l on 10st (2), 25l and 1d all FU, 50l UM pair plus blocks with ovpt errors, Kavalla 1913 range incl errors, Thrace 1913 (Oct) ovpts FU on piece, etc. Well worth careful sorting. (T) £400
  Early to mod BC, foreign and GB coln in 18 vols and loose with BC incl useful 1970's M/UM incl BAT, Ascension, Falk Is, Saints, Solomon Is, foreign misc incl Switz from early mainly U, FDC's, China 1960's FU etc. (3B) £400
  World mainly U early to mod accum in approx 25 vols, many older albums incl Lincoln (2), Strand (3) with GB, BC and foreign. (4B) £400
  Misc early to mod in 9 assorted vols with foreign noting Belgium incl 1919-20 Tin Hat 5f and 10f M, BC mainly U, GB QV-QEII M/U incl 1840 1d U (2), 1887-1900 Jub vals to 10d og, KEVII vals to 1/- M/og, KGV M/U, etc. (B) £400
  World early to mid-period coln in 10 old albums, some stuck down through age with foreign U ranges incl Triumph album, BC omnibus selns incl 2 vols with 1935 SJ vals, odd set M and U, 1937 Coron M/U, loose U, misc covers. (B) £400
  World accum, M or U, some modern, but strength in early-middle with colns in old ptd albums etc, mixed cond, noted GB with 1840 1d (just 4 marg) on entire, 1883-4 2/6d and 10/- good U, KEVII U to 5/-, Neths 1928 Olympics set FU, India and States etc. (½B) £350
  Misc accum on various leaves etc, M/FU with Germany, Philippines incl 1928 LOF ovpt set M,, Upper Volta, C&S Americas, Spain, Libya, Fr Cols, Marshall and Palau, Ryukyu, UNO, Neths 1852-53, USA classics (poor condition but better vals noted), etc. (½B) £350
  Extensive world accum, early-modern, M or U, with leaves, stockleaves, packets, envs, club/approval books etc, noted Newfoundland, Australian States, Belgium, GB etc; better oddments seen; considerable quantity and variety for careful sorting. (6B) £350
  Early to mod M/U accum in 20+ stockbooks etc with BC incl BWI U, Ireland U, Bermuda, Leeward Is incl KGVI £1 M (3), NZ, Malta incl KGVI h/v's M, foreign incl Africa, Portugal, also 1978 Coron and 1981 RW issues UM. (3B) £350
  Misc all World clear-out accum in approx 70 vols incl some printed, on leaves & loose, very mixed lot requiring viewing. (5B) £350
  BC and foreign misc accum in 21 thin stockbooks, early to mod M/U with BC incl useful QEII UM incl Rhodesia's U, Mauritius, Seychelles, Bahamas incl 1942 Columbus set M, Malaya, St. Helena, Solomon Is, foreign incl Persia, Germany, Switz etc. (2B) £350
Click to view full image...Click to view full image...Click to view full image...Click to view full image... Untidy World diverse accum in 2 vols & in 100s of packets, some better seen but largely unchecked, with GB KEVII 2/6d & 5s M, Cyprus 1955-60 £1 FU, Falkland Is Dep's KGVI ovpt sets UM, Belgium 1919-20 Helmet 2f M, Netherlands 1867-9 10c M (exp Dr Louis), Portugal 1894 Navigator 500r FU, Cambodia 1956 Coro set UM, Surinam incl 1886-88 p.due 40c type IV FU, USA Columbus $2 U (thin), no doubt much else to be found. (See photos) (½B) £350
  Misc with covers incl GB QV, BIOT 1975 dupl covers, Falk Is 1950's-60's (7), appro books with BC U noting Australia KGV incl 1915-28 10/- perf OS FU, misc loose U in pkts etc. (½B) £330
  GB, BC and foreign early to mod mainly U accum in several vols, on leaves, misc world ranges incl Strand album. (4B) £300
  Diverse part complete colns in 5 ptd albums or on leaves, with Belgium FU incl 1914 RX set & M incl 1912 set, Hungary Post WWII UM incl 1953 Stalin M/S, 1954 Phil Exhib M/S, 1955 Printing Works M/S, Colonial ranges particularly Africa, etc. (B) £300
  Very untidy world early to mod accum in several assorted vols and loose, BC M/U noting St. Helena 1924-33 1d "cleft rock" unused, foreign in Strand incl Thailand 1961-8 5b and 10b og, 1963-71 40b black and light olive-yellow M, GB incl FDC's, loose etc. (3B) £300
  Misc & varied BC accum on leaves, on cards & small stockbook, generally untidy though quantity of earlies, KGVI & QE high vals, some more complete ranges, covers, etc. Ideal for sorting. (½B) £300
  World accum on leaves, in vols, in club/approval books, much loose in packets, tins etc, early-modern, M or U, covers or cards incl FDCs etc, old SG catalogues with 2007 Stamps of the World all 5 vols etc. Very extensive untidy lot for careful sorting. (9B) £300
  Misc BC mint and FU accum in box, with ranges in 16 stockbooks, Br Africa, Dominions, Cyprus, Asia with India, Malaya, Australia, BWI etc. (B) £300
  World early to mod accum in approx 15 assorted vols and loose incl misc U ranges, GB U, Australia U, mod Japan and Taiwan etc. (3B) £250
  Large world mainly U mid to mod accum in 40 vols incl large full stockbook, 2 boxes full of mod U in bags etc with GB, BC and foreign. (7B) £250
  Misc untidy mainly U range incl India, Burma incl KGVI UM, GB from QV, env's incl Malta QEII UM blocks of 4, Sudan 1941 set to 20p FU etc. (½B) £250
  Worldwide early to modern mainly mint accumulation in 5 stock albums incl Ethiopia 1919 8g and $2 in UM sheets of 100 (Cat £780), 1931 set of 10 UM plus Air set UM(5), 1952 Birthday UM, Japan 1934 Red Cross set M and a range of worldwide UM sets much on a flora and fauna theme. (½B) £250
  Miscellany in various vols, loose etc, early-modern, M or U, main value in GB, better oddments seen incl QV U with 1840 1d (some faults), 1873-80 8d, 1883 or 1884 set (colours run), KGV with some Seahorses U, 1948 RSW UM (2), 1963 Red Cross phos set UM, QE with some pre dec pres packs, dec empty year books and pres packs etc. Also world misc, some coins and banknotes etc. (3B) £250
  Misc in several vols and envelopes with GB QV-QEII M/U noting 1840 2d blue U, 1883-4 9d dull green U, later incl loose FDC's, world misc U, 1970's Royalty in env's. (2B) £250
  Europe country ranges neatly laid out in 22 Kabe vols, typically from earliest issues and some spanning multi albums. (2B) £250
  Various BC and Foreign on leaves, old auction remainders, etc, with Scandinavia, Russia, Germany, much BC etc. Needs inspection. (B) £250
  Misc mint and used accum on various leaves, in packets etc, with 1937 Coro vals, Australia and NZ QE UM, various BC, GB with commems from 1924 Wembley UM, some officials and p.dues, LE incl 2d blues, Foreign ranges with some duplication, France, Switz, USA and much more. (B) £250
  Misc Worldwide accum on various leaves, in packets etc, BC and Foreign with mint and used, some duplication in parts, perfect for resale with Australia and Canada, BWI incl Jamaica, Br Asia, some Europe, GB QE and more. (B) £250
  World in 4 vols, on leaves and loose incl Triumph album with BC and foreign early to mod range, loose incl N. Rhodesia Hunting License 1929 bearing 1925-9 20/- fiscal h/s, 2nd 1929 bearing 1925 Revenue £5 and £10 etc. (B) £200
  World accum in various vols and loose, early-modern, M or U, incl world colns in old ptd albums, and noted old "Lincoln" containing GB 1840 1d U (4 marg) etc; GB QE etc. (2B) £200
  Misc World accum of covers and cards in box, early to middle with later commercial mail to Switz from Middle East and Asia with Taiwan, Iran, Pakistan etc, more interesting earlier with better Switz, France with some early issues incl Peace and Commerce 25c black/red (3), Newfoundland 1930's covers (7), Andorra, Campione 1944 covers (2), Dedeagatz 1913 ovpt set on p.stat card, etc. (T) £200
  World ranges in 26 club books (picked at places but contents largely intact), early-modern, M/UM or U, much useful, strength in BC and incl Aden 1953-63 20/- black and lilac UM, Ascension 1938-53 2/6d P. 13½ UM, 10/- P. 13 M, BWI, Gold Coast 1938-43 set FU, Seychelles 1938-49 FU vals with 1r green; useful modern UM from a range of countries etc. (½B) £200
  Large world mod U accum mainly off paper and much sorted by country in tins, tubs, envelopes etc with GB, BC and foreign. (15B) £200
  BC and GB ranges in 5 stockbooks, QV to QE, M/UM or U, a range of countries, with useful KGVI/early QE defins sets/parts sets, Newfoundland 1937 long Coro set M (3) etc. (½B) £200
  Early to modern mint and used BC accumulation in 4 large stockbooks incl Ascension 1924-33 vals to 1s(2) FU, 1938-53 1d Green Mountain and 3d black and ultramarine(2) FU, New Zealand postal fiscals 1940-58 £3, £4(5) and £5(9) all of unused appearance etc. (½B) £200
  Diverse coln's in 5 hefty Kabe stockbooks, with Switzerland, French Col's, Spain & Col's, Russia & Satellites, etc. Good value. (B) £180
  World coln's & accums in 13 stockbooks and on leaves, with useful BC incl India, Egypt, South Africa, also World, UN Flags, tec. (B) £150
  Diverse world accum on club book leaves, stockcards, loose etc, early-modern, M/UM or U, strength in BC, noted CI booklets, Singapore 1948 RSW set FU, Ascension 1924-33 1½d, 2d, 5d and 1/- FU, GB p. dues 1959-63 £1 and 1970-5 £5 UM, Australia 1971 Christmas 7c half pane of 25 UM, Japan 1948 Red Cross M/S unused (as issued), thematic interest with Birds etc. Careful examination essential. (½B) £150
Sale No: 783
Auctioneer: Warwick & Warwick Location: The Court House, Jury Street, Warwick, CV34 4EW
Contact: Tel. Warwick (01926) 499031 Fax (01926) 491906
Date: 3rd January 2016 Time: 12:00PM
Details: Future Auctions 2016
March 2nd, April 6th, May 4th, June 1st, July 6th, August 3rd, September 7th,
October 5th, November 2nd, December 7th
Toys, Diecast Models, Model Railways, Postcards and Cigarette Cards:
March 16th, May 18th, July 20th,
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